December 28, 2021


May you have a blessed Christmas and a new spirit in Year 2022

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November 19, 2021


On 17 November 2021, Mr. Setiarso and Mr. Victor Chisriandi have concluded that Widya Presisi Solusi implemented ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 with only 1 Minor finding and some Opportunities for Improvement.

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August 16, 2021


This year is another year that we cannot go anywhere. However, we can still explore our thinks and feels and be responsible for what we say and behave. We can be responsible to others, but never for what others think, feel, say and do. That is just a critical concept that we learned from 1st up to 3rd August 2021 through online training from Marini Ng from Metamind.

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July 16, 2021


In this challenging month which health is the most important thing and we should work from home 100%, we are glad that our client who moved to another...

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May 11, 2021


Let us forget our mistake in the past with all the forgiveness and may God gives us abundantly of happiness and prosperity ahead.

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