June 25, 2024


Do you know that tax regulations PMK/168/2023 and Per 2/PJ/2024 require the taxpayer to provide tax receipts (Bukti Potong Pajak) issued by DJP Online to the income receiver? This requirement adds additional tasks to the HR/Comben Function to give these tax receipts to employees besides salary slips.

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May 20, 2024


On 15 May 2024, PT Widya Presisi Solusi received the third ISO 9001 certificate from the British Standard Institution (BSI), a proof of our commitment to implementing a Quality Management System to provide excellent services.

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April 02, 2024


Happy Eid Mubarak 1445 H

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February 07, 2024


The tax office provided a calculator for calculating PPh21 for pure net and gross policy. However, in business, HR policies are commonly more complex than just pure net and pure gross because gross salaries will make it easy to budget employee costs. However, another new tax regulation also requires benefits such as medical to become taxable income for the employees, and most companies provide tax allowance for this kind of benefit to avoid dropping employees' income because of additional tax.

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January 22, 2024


Based on Government Regulation PP 58 2023 and Ministry of Finance Regulation KMK 168 2023, the Indonesian government has simplified and changed the withholding tax for employees or the PPh 21 deduction

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