June 25, 2024


Do you know that tax regulations PMK/168/2023 and Per 2/PJ/2024 require the taxpayer to provide tax receipts (Bukti Potong Pajak) issued by DJP Online to the income receiver? This requirement adds additional tasks to the HR/Comben Function to give these tax receipts to employees besides salary slips.

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January 22, 2024


Based on Government Regulation PP 58 2023 and Ministry of Finance Regulation KMK 168 2023, the Indonesian government has simplified and changed the withholding tax for employees or the PPh 21 deduction

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September 20, 2023


Change from manual to automatic payroll process

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May 10, 2023


Emojis have become one of the complements to express in our daily communication via WhatsApp or commenting on Facebook or Instagram. Thus, these tiny icons might reveal certain aspects of our personalities. Therefore Myquantumhr can initiate interactions between superiors and subordinates

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July 16, 2021


In this challenging month which health is the most important thing and we should work from home 100%, we are glad that our client who moved to another...

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