MyQuantumHR helps employees report their emotions so that it becomes the first software in Indonesia to monitor employee mental health by directly interacting with your team
How does integration work?
The integration processes between payroll and input data (attendance information and related employees information)

Work schedule and attendance machine
We help integrate the process from the attendance machine and Employee Self Services based on the determined schedule so that the payroll process (monthly, weekly or bi-weekly) can be done quicker, avoiding errors and complaints from employees.

Myquantumhr can process overtime through several alternatives: overtime requests from employees in the ESS module or overtime order in the payroll module or open API from other systems.

Myquantumhr can integrate with the attendance machine through open API. Then the system can map the actual attendance time to a particular work schedule. This feature will reduce manual activities without sacrificing control. Myquantumhr has added feature Work From Home (WFH) and several office locations. This feature allows Employees to report their positions from home with GPS and also his/her activities, so that the Management can monitor the result of the works.

Allowance Claim
Employees can claim the medical allowance through the ESS and attached the valid receipts to the ESS. HR can check the validity of the attachments. The system can check automatically with specific criteria (either maximum salary or another limit)

Both employees, their superior and HR can be faster to process leaves, because the system can check the outstanding leave, including other leave that Indonesian Labor law permits it.

Reimbursement is one of the functions of the ESS. Employees can request a business advance and then accountable for business expenses (travel expenses). Other alternatives employees can reimburse several business expenses, and the employees will get reimbursement in their salaries payment.
Process Automation from Attendance Records to Payroll Reports and can be customized according to the needs of the company, including distribution, manufacturing and project,
MyQuantumHR helps employees easily report daily activities in real time as well as employee performance achievements at any time.
The Attendance Feature can make it easier for you to take Attendance with Employee Self Service (ESS) MyQuantumHR, attendance can be integrated in real time.